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The college years are often refered to as "the best years of your life". In reality however, your best years are still ahead of you, but only if you have a strategy for living that goes beyond what you learned in school. This book explains why wealth and success are not what you think and shows that wealth is not merely money, competition has a higher purpose than simply getting ahead, and a life of happiness issimpler to attain than we imagine.

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Countless books tell you how to make money: only this one turns to the wisdom of the ages to illuminate for you the reasons you have money in the first place, and the role it’s meant to play in your life and in the lives of others. Here, American entrepreneur and philanthropist Frank Hanna introduces you to a lean, no-nonsense explanation of the meaning of your money, and a guide for dealing with it constructively.


Convinced that wealth is to be used for the good of others, we have for decades now sought to share our money, time, and understanding with members of the community. We also strive to enlist others in these important tasks.

Here below and in the right-hand column are links to news and information about some of our efforts, as well as a sampling of talks we have given encouraging others to join us in using wealth generously for the good of others.